Ventures Level 1 Student's Book

Third Edition


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Ventures Third edition is a six-level integrated skills series for Adult Education, aligned to standards and CASAS STEP to help your students meet their goals. Ventures is a six-level, standards-based, integrated skills series for Adult Education, aligned to WIOA, NRS, English Language Proficiency, and College and Career Readiness standards. This Level 1 eBook without answers includes all of the content from the print Student's Book plus a link to downloadable audio. It will work on most mobile devices, but for the best experience we recommend using devices with larger screens, such as iPads and Android tablets. NOTE: the eBook is an 18-month license from date of purchase. Access to the eBook is not guaranteed after the 18-month period.

Age/Education LevelAdult
CEFR LevelA1
RangeVentures Third Edition
Gretchen BitterlinDennis JohnsonDonna PriceSylvia RamirezK. Lynn Savage
PublisherCambridge University Press & Assessment
English TypeAmerican English
Release/Publication Date05 July 2018