Ventures Basic Student's Book

Third Edition


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Ventures Third edition is a six-level integrated skills series for Adult Education, aligned to standards and CASAS STEP to help your students meet their goals. Ventures is a six-level, standards-based, integrated skills series for Adult Education, aligned to WIOA, NRS, English Language Proficiency, and College and Career Readiness standards. This Basic Level eBook without answers includes all of the content from the print Student's Book plus a link to downloadable audio. It will work on most mobile devices, but for the best experience we recommend using devices with larger screens, such as iPads and Android tablets. NOTE: the eBook is an 18-month license from date of purchase. Access to the eBook is not guaranteed after the 18-month period.

Age/Education LevelAdult
CEFR LevelA1
RangeVentures Third Edition
Gretchen BitterlinDennis JohnsonDonna PriceSylvia RamirezK. Lynn Savage
PublisherCambridge University Press & Assessment
English TypeAmerican English
Release/Publication Date05 July 2018