Ventures Level 1 Student's Digital Value Pack

Third Edition

Book & Digital

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This six-level, four-skills series aligned to NRS and covers the key English Language Proficiency (ELP) and College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards for your students develop the skills they need to be college and career ready, and be active in their community. Researched and authored by a team with extensive experience as teachers and administrators, Ventures has been written to meet the demands of today's adult ESL classroom and its increased focus on flexible learning. A wealth of digital and print content support your classroom needs. Whether you're teaching face-to-face, remotely, hybrid, or online, you can find the right combination of tools and support with Ventures.

FormatPrint/online bundle
Age/Education LevelAdult
CEFR LevelA1
RangeVentures Third Edition
Gretchen BitterlinDennis JohnsonDonna PriceSylvia RamirezK. Lynn Savage
PublisherCambridge University Press & Assessment
English TypeAmerican English
Release/Publication Date05 July 2018